Monday, August 20, 2012

New York!

Over dinner with my family, my girl Chloe wanted to share this big chuck rib bone with our dog Mojo. She hurriedly went outside and fed our dog. Chelo, my youngest, didnt want to miss a thing so she run out to the garage. I noticed that Chelo hasnt finished eating and her plate still half full. Bothered, I called out her name and said, "Where are you?". Puzzled with my summon since our house was a typical bungalow and she was gone only a few seconds, she replied, " I'm in New York!" 

Saturday, August 04, 2012


Thanks to the  many  shared posts i  read on social media particularly twitter, i learned new technical terms.

A conversation on  reading kept us  busy on our way  home. Chloe requested i  buy  her new books since she has read all her books from  Jane Austen series to Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Cholo, who likes science fiction and detective  books,  countered that  she  hasn't cause she  has yet to read his collection.  Chloe further  claimed a book she  read 3 years  ago was given as a test  and she  got the highest score. I begged that  when they read they should not  be in a hurry and allow the  book to age at least  for a week.

The exchange  made my  little one say  she too likes reading and I  kidded that she was like her  dad who was a slow reader. I said that unlike her  two siblings, she likes to read picture story books.  In fact, i reminded her that   the weekly books she  borrowed  from the  library were all picture story  books.

Hurt, she exclaimed that she wasn't a slow reader. She  said it can be said that is she lazy but she is not   a slow reader. She added that  she was not only  borrowing picture books  but all kinds of  book.

I sensed her hurt especially so she blurted, "I'm angry  mom".   

The car proved too small for  me to  maneuver a hug to console her. For the love of  God, i was looking for the right words to say because what i really wanted to say  and highlight, was that  of all my  kids, she was the  visual one. The one child who would  buy  expensive complicated  books  with charts, tables and  graphics.  I was groping for  words and prayed for all that  I read in my lifetime to  be by  my side.

If love can  be seen, i said, " What I  meant was, you see things differently from your brother and sister. You expressed things  differently. You like inforgraphics where you explain things using  visuals, pictures, charts and videos.   I ended  by saying, " When we reach  home, i will show  you  what I  mean".

As soon as our  car reached our garage, I  whipped out  my  laptop and showed  her,  "Visual Content  Marketing: Capture and  Engage Your Audience" downloaded  from, .

With so much confidence I said, "Look, this is how you see things, look at  all the  pictures, graphs and diagrams.  Isn't it complicated?", with  this she replied, " Oh  come on  mom, that is so  easy!" 
